General Litigation Law Software

Litigation investigations, simplified

Litigation law can take many different forms. When you’re a legal professional handling litigation, you could be handling just about anything from criminal defense negligence that ended a person’s life to minor issues in divorce cases. The thing that’s the same in all litigation cases is that you need to have a lot of information to handle it. Here are a few of the ways a public records search engine could help you handle your law firm’s general litigation law cases.

Preparing your general litigation case with the proper research

Before a case ever goes to court, there are massive amounts of legal research you have to do. Preparing a case is difficult, and it requires a lot of research. You may need to research your client, the person or company you’re suing, witnesses on both sides, and even experts. Getting all that information is much easier if you have a legal research software with skip tracing tools to help you do it.

  • Research is one of the most important tools you can have as a law professional, especially in litigation.
  • With research, you can decide whether you want to push forward with a case or settle out of court.
  • No matter who you’re trying to research, a public records search engine can help you find the right information.

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Get information about companies with a litigation software

Both individuals and companies can be involved in litigation law. Typically, if it’s multiple people against a company, it falls under a class-action lawsuit, but general litigation can still cover many company-based lawsuits. If a company is part of your lawsuit, it’s important that you get a lot of information about that company, whether it’s an insurance company, a government agency, or someone else. A public records search engine can give you that information so you can do your due diligence:

  • Gaining more information about a company is an important part of centering them in a lawsuit.
  • Whether you’re working for or against a company in a lawsuit, you should get a lot of information about the company.
  • With a public records search engine, it’s much easier to get the information you’re looking for.

Get a software for litigation to sift through personal information

Chances are, you’re going to handle a lot of information as you go through the litigation process. Whether you’re part of the defense or the prosecution, if you’re planning to fight the case all the way through, you want to build something bulletproof. That means you’re going to have to use a public records search engine with batch processing to process many people’s information all at once.

  • When it comes to general litigation law, chances are that you’ll have to sift through many people’s personal information.
  • This includes people from whom you can get information directly and people that are less likely to offer up information.
  • You don’t have to just ask people for personal information; you can use a public records search engine to get it yourself.

Vet potential jurors with a litigation attorney software

What if you have to take the case to court? At this point, you may have to present your client’s case in front of a full jury. This can be a very confusing and worrying process, and it’s definitely difficult to handle. Vetting potential jury members is your form of mitigating corporate risk; it helps you know the risk factors that might set a juror against you. That’s where a public and private records database with tools like social media search comes in.

  • Once a case goes to court, you’re going to have to switch gears a little bit for your research.
  • Considering potential jurors is an involved process, and you’re going to need to consider everything about each juror.
  • Get the information you’re looking for by using a public records search engine to dig deeper into jurors.

What will Tracers do for general litigation law investigations?

Clearly, significant amounts of work go into handling general litigation law. You typically don’t go into the field of law if you dislike working hard, and general litigation law is a great example of that. However, with its variety of tools, including access to records through API, Tracers can make sure you’re not working any harder than you need to.

When it comes to general litigation law, the amount of information you need in a case varies wildly. Tracers offers over 42 billion records for nearly every American, making it easier than ever to access the right information and build your case on it. Tracers even offers access to deceased records for cases that handle deceased individuals. The best way to get high-quality evidence on your terms is to use Tracers.

More information

What is general litigation law software?

Litigation law can take many different forms, but a key factor in all litigation cases is that you need to have a lot of information to handle it. A general litigation law software helps you perform the research you need to handle general litigation law.

Who can benefit from general litigation law software?

 When you’re a legal professional handling litigation, you could be handling just about anything from criminal defense negligence that ended a person’s life to minor issues in divorce cases. Regardless of the case you’re handling, general litigation law software can help perform the research you need to perform due diligence and prepare your general litigation law case. 

What does general litigation law software reveal?

General litigation law software reveals important information about your client, as well as companies involved in a general litigation case, whether it’s an insurance company, a government agency, or someone else. It can also reveal social media profiles to help you vet potential jurors. 

What do I need to get started with using general litigation law software in my own firm?

When it comes to general litigation law, the amount of information you need in a case varies wildly, which is why you should use a general litigation law software like Tracers. Tracers offers over 42 billion records for nearly every American, making it easier than ever to access the right information and build your case on it. Tracers even offers access to deceased records for cases that handle deceased individuals. The best way to get high-quality evidence on your terms is to use Tracers.