Financial Collections Software

Software for better collections and recovery processes

Whenever money is involved, collections and recovery are also typically involved. Collections and recovery might be an important part of a company’s lifecycle when that company extends credit, offers certain types of financial benefits, or otherwise provides financial services. Especially if financial services is your main area of business, it’s important that you manage collections as efficiently as possible. With the Tracers tools you have available, you can make collections and recovery easier for your organization.

Keep collections in-house whenever possible with a collections and recovery software

Some companies, in an attempt to mitigate their costs, contract out to a third-party collection agency. If you don’t have the right tools, it’s true that this can make it more likely that someone eventually collects on the debt, but this definitely isn’t the most cost-effective option. The most cost-effective option is to craft a first-party collection department.

With first-party collections, you’re collecting on the debt your company owns. The biggest tool third-party collection agencies often have that you probably don’t is a public records search engine like Tracers, and when you use Tracers, you’re likely to be able to collect just like a third-party group.

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Get a debt collection and recovery software to gather the data you need

What type of data is important for collections? The good news is that there are lots of pieces of data that can help you with collections. It’s just important that you gather all the types of data that will make a difference, like these:

With Tracers, all of these can be options for your needs. When you’re skip tracing, you need to make sure you have as much information as possible., even information that seems “useless.” Get the full picture by using the public records search engine at Tracers.

Reduce errors and omissions with a collections and recovery software

Errors and omissions happen whenever humans get involved. If you’re having someone manually go through collections data, it’s likely that the individual in question will end up with errors at some point during the collections lifecycle, which can be frustrating for all parties involved.

The answer is to try and use automated processes whenever possible. Individuals can’t accidentally mistype a name if the system automatically transfers a name from one field to another. People can’t accidentally mix up two similar-sounding names if the system looks only for the one you’ve input. With Tracers’ collection and recovery software, you can reduce your incidence of errors and omissions.

Uncover data in whatever way your company will best use

While you’re trying to determine what type of data is the best for your company, it’s important to also think about what method of data gathering will work best for your company. This individuality is exactly why Tracers offers three methods of gathering data:

Companies that have different needs will also need different tools, and that’s where Tracers shines. If you have a very large company, you may want to consider batch processing; small companies might consider individual searches. Match your solutions to your problems to make it as easy as possible to handle.

Get a collection and recovery software to locate the hardest-to-find individuals

Although sometimes collections just has to call the number that’s on file, collections can also be much more difficult than this. There are people who intentionally run away from their existing debts, and locating those people can be very difficult, especially for in-home collection groups.

In today’s modern age, it’s much more difficult to just “skip town.” Each person leaves a trail behind them, and it’s possible to follow that trail as long as you have the right tools. When you’re looking for someone that’s incredibly hard to find, all you have to do is make sure you have Tracers’s tools to guide you.

What industries need collections and recovery tools from Tracers?

Collections and recovery tools are an important part of many industries. If an industry handles any type of credit, it might benefit from collections and recovery tools, and that extends to a surprising number of different industries. If you’re part of any of these industries, you might want to consider Tracers’s collections and recovery tools:

No matter how credit factors into your company, it’s important that you’re able to handle collections and recovery as easy as possible. Most companies want collections and recovery to be part of their in-house recovery team, and Tracers makes that dream a reality with its variety of tools and options.

More information

What is financial collections software?

Collections and recovery might be an important part of a company’s lifecycle when that company extends credit, offers certain types of financial benefits, or otherwise provides financial services. Especially if financial services is your main area of business, it’s important that you manage collections as efficiently as possible. Financial collections software helps make collections and recovery easier for your organization.

Who can benefit from using customer financial collections software?

Collections and recovery tools are an important part of many industries, not just financial services. If your industry handles any type of credit, you can benefit from collections and recovery tools, and that extends to a large number of different industries including corporations, collections, insurance, government, and more.

What does financial collections software reveal?

Financial collections software reveals a variety of data that will help you with collections. For example, you can gather current and past names, mobile and landline phone numbers, address records, employment records, relatives, deceased records, bankruptcy records, and tax liens and judgments. These records will help you skip trace and contact debtors as well as get a better picture of your debtors as well. 

What do I need to get started with financial collections software?

To streamline financial collections and keep the process in-house, use a financial collections software like Tracers. With Tracers, you can reduce your incidence of errors and omissions and gather the information you need to collect on debtors by accessing over 120 billion records covering millions of American adults. Tracers also allows you to uncover data in the best way for your company via API and batch processing.