Member Identity Intelligence

Better handling member identity intelligence with Tracers

In healthcare and in other industries, knowing your members is extremely important. However, it’s common for organizations to have extremely fragmented patient records; people may keep records in different places, potentially use abbreviations for long names, or have a different method of listing an individual’s name. In these situations, it’s common for organizations to have a tough time finding all previous information relating to an individual, which can be dangerous in health care. With member identity intelligence tools from Tracers, you can avoid this problem.

Get healthcare industry member solutions to avoid redundant and unnecessary care

One of the most important things you can do with member identity intelligence tools is ensure that an individual doesn’t receive redundant or unnecessary care. If you don’t have the records to showcase the fact that you’ve already treated a patient a certain way, you might do it again, which can be damaging for the patient.

Avoiding redundant and unnecessary care is useful for both the patient and for your organization. When you use member identity intelligence tools to determine what someone’s already gone through, you don’t have to pay for it again and they don’t have to go through it again.

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Consolidate records from different groups for identity intelligence

Most of the time, fragmented patient records form when you’re trying to consolidate records from different groups. That’s because different groups might not gather information the same way as your group, so scanning for records using your categorizing method simply won’t work.

Instead, you need a way to consolidate records in between groups. This way, you’ll be able to see all the results tied to an individual person, rather than tied to an individual name. Tracers’s tools will allow you to page through these records and feel more confident that you’ve gathered them all for better identity intelligence.

Gather the most complete information possible

When gathering information, it’s important that you consider how you’re gathering the information. Are you utilizing full and complete information that you can access about the people you’re interested in, or are you gathering incomplete information that doesn’t give you what you need? Tracers makes it easy to gather information, with three different options available:

The software from Tracers makes it easy to get the information you’re looking for. Large organizations that need to process thousands of records at once can utilize batch processing, while smaller organizations that only need to process a few dozen can try out individual search options.

In some situations, HIPAA may require that you stay up to date on your legal compliance with Tracers. There are also many areas of law that go into health care organizations’ responsibilities, and maintaining your compliance could require that you screen certain individuals more so than others.

No matter what type of legal compliance you’re worried about, it’s important that you do as much as you can to avoid a legal confrontation in court. The more due diligence you’re able to do, the less likely it is that you’ll end up with legal troubles as a result.

Get identity intelligence to keep your patients and your organization safe

In general, healthcare should be trying to keep people safe. After all, the whole idea of it is to use medicine to make people better. Even if you just handle the financial side of the organization and you never took the Hippocratic oath, you should still follow its creed to “First, do no harm.”

The tools and strategies you use to maximize your organization’s efficacy should be an important part of keeping people safe. No matter what you do, keeping people safe should always be at the top of your to-do list. Tracers’s tools, including public records search engines and other options, make it easy to do that.

Is healthcare the only industry that can use member identity intelligence?

Sure, member identity intelligence is useful for health care organizations, because health care records tend to be among the most fragmented regarding individuals. However, don’t make the mistake of believing that health care is the only industry with member identity intelligence opportunities. These industries, for starters, can benefit dramatically from member identity intelligence through Tracers:

This isn’t the end, either. It’s possible for all sorts of industries to use member identity intelligence tools, whether for their initial purpose or to help you learn more about people in another way. Identify your customers, your employees, and third party individuals more easily with the tools at Tracers.

More information

What is member identity intelligence?

In healthcare and in other industries, knowing your members is extremely important. However, it’s common for organizations to have extremely fragmented patient records. In these situations, it’s common for organizations to have a tough time finding all previous information relating to an individual, which can be dangerous in healthcare. Member identity intelligence allows you to gather complete information about your members, even if there are fragmented records.

Who can benefit from member identity intelligence?

Healthcare organizations looking to keep their organization safe and maintain legal compliance can benefit from member identity intelligence. However, healthcare isn’t the only industry that can benefit. Investigators, law enforcement, corporations, and government are a few other industries who can benefit from member identity intelligence.

What does member identity intelligence do for your organization?

Member identity intelligence ensures that an individual doesn’t receive redundant or unnecessary care by using tools to determine what someone has already gone through. Member identity intelligence also allows you to consolidate records to see all the results tied to an individual person, as well as helps you perform due diligence to maintain legal compliance and keep your organization safe.

What do I need to get started using member identity intelligence in my own organization?

To use member identity intelligence in your own organization, you will need access to a public records search engine like Tracers. With the tools at Tracers, you can identify your customers, your employees, and third party individuals more easily to improve efficiency and maintain safety.