Customer Due Diligence

How to improve your customer due diligence

Especially when combined with Know Your Customer policies or a Customer Identification Program, Customer Due Diligence helps you understand your customers and therefore understand your business. It can be difficult to understand every piece of every business fully – especially a financial services business – but with additional information about your customers, you can get an idea of who’s drawn to your business and maybe even what draws them to your business, which can be extremely useful for identifying potential customers and making decisions about how to expand. With the public records search tools from Tracers, it’s easier to do your due diligence for customers and beyond.

Get a customer due diligence software to ensure you comply with customer due diligence rules governmental regulations 

One of the most important reasons to invest in Customer Due Diligence is that some industries are required to do it under the CDD rule. Certain governmental agencies may require that you invest in Customer Due Diligence policies or sometimes Know Your Customer policies, and you can run into serious consequences if you don’t comply with the CDD rule.

The legal ramifications for non-compliance with the CDD rule vary dramatically. While it may be as small as a single fine you have to pay, sometimes, if you don’t do your due diligence checks and something bad happens to your customers, you have to pay large legal fees and other, even more, drastic fees.

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Identify who’s behind legal entities with CDD solutions

Do you regularly deal with legal entities during the course of your business? Some business organizations have their own bank accounts and other financial accounts to help keep their books straight. However, it can be more difficult for you when you’re dealing only with a legal entity name and you don’t know the individuals behind it.

Turning this entity name into a personal name is an important part of making sure you truly know who’s behind every account in a business relationship. You should ask for that information from the individual directly first, but Tracers tools can help you uncover more information about who might be behind this identity, which can be an important part of performing effective customer due diligence. 

Incorporate know your customer due diligence checklist searches into your company 

While you might not immediately think about the different ways you can incorporate information searches for your customer due diligence checklist into your company, the way in which you choose to incorporate them can have a large impact on how well your company is able to function and perform due diligence. The way you incorporate them might depend on how certain systems are already set up, how many people you have to search for every day or other structural factors. Tracers offers three methods of searches:

These three methods are all suited to different data collection needs. For example, a company that has a lot of searches to perform every day to uncover potential risk might want to use batch processing, while a company that already has its own search engine might want to incorporate Tracers data with an API.

Use customer due diligence solutions to better understand customer relationships

It can be important to understand the way in which a customer is related to other customers or even vendors. If you have multiple customers that are related to each other,  for example, you might want to keep an eye on all of these customers at once to ensure there are no conflicts of interest or other issues.

Understanding your customers’ relationships is an important part of making sure your company stays safe, and it can be useful to understand not only as your company grows and changes, but also if you happen to need to transfer that customer’s account to collections at some point.

Make your customers and your organization safer customer due diligence checks

You want an organization that is built on safety. You can’t just hope that you’ll maintain safety — you have to make active strides and investments toward becoming safe, such as by performing customer and vendor risk assessments, then implement consistent measures to ensure your organization remains safe, like ongoing monitoring.

Some companies don’t incorporate quality safety measures into their day-to-day routines, which can be very detrimental later on down the line if issues like fraud and corruption consistently arise. Customers want to purchase from an organization that puts individuals at its forefront, and vendors want to trade with an organization that keeps itself and its vendors safe. When you invest in safety, you invest in your business relationships, which will in turn bring you more profit.

Could your industry utilize customer due diligence tools from Tracers?

Due diligence tools are incredibly important to many organizations’ procedures. When you use Customer Due Diligence tools from Tracers, it’s easier to understand what your business really looks like, which can help you make more informed decisions going forward and implement better marketing tactics with list generation. Plus, customer due diligence tools are useful for a variety of industries, including these and more:

Whether your organization belongs to one of these industries or not, you should consider investing in Customer Due Diligence policies to protect your company and maintain a good reputation. With the reliable and accurate data and high-quality searching tools available with Tracers, doing your due diligence is easier than ever.

More information

What is customer due diligence?

Customer Due Diligence can be an important part of understanding your customers and therefore understanding your business. It can be difficult to understand any business fully – especially a financial services business – but with additional information about your customers, you can get an idea of who’s drawn to your business and maybe even what draws them to your business, which can be extremely useful for expanding. 

Who can perform customer due diligence?

Any industry looking to gain more information about its customers, whether it’s to comply with government regulations or to expand, can perform customer due diligence with the right due diligence tools. Investigators, law enforcement, financial services, corporations, collections, government, and more can all perform customer due diligence.

What does customer due diligence reveal?

To do your customer due diligence, you need access to due diligence tools to help you understand what your business really looks like and gain comprehensive information about your customers, for example, if you regularly deal with legal entities, you’ll need information to turn this entity into a personal name so you can make sure you truly know who’s behind every account. You’ll also need to access information about your customers’ relationships with other customers and vendors in order to keep your company safe. 

What do I need to get started performing customer due diligence?

To get started performing customer due diligence, you’ll need access to customer due diligence tools like the ones from Tracers. Tracers provides comprehensive data and numerous methods for gathering it. With the public records search engine tools from Tracers, it’s easier to do your due diligence for customers and beyond.