Auto Finance Industry

Whether you are an auto dealership, in collections or auto refinancing, the ability to contact the right person is important to your business. The best skip tracing tools return right-party contact information that you can not only rely on but will save you time and money, which is why thousands of companies trust Tracers for their right-party contact needs.

Increase your connection rate with higher quality, multi-sourced data

When you are trying to contact someone or find an address, you need the most up-to-date data on that person. Many times, traditional credit header data is out of date — especially if someone has defaulted on a loan and is not actively applying for or using credit. This is why Tracers uses various data sources in addition to credit header data.

Prevent fraud before it happens

One way to prevent fraud is to stop it before it happens. Tracers allows auto businesses to run identity verification on anyone who walks into a dealership or applies for a new loan. This will give you peace of mind when working with customers and helps prevent fraud before it can happen.

  • Verify someone’s identity to make sure they are who they say they are.
  • Confirm vehicle ownership, registration and if their driver’s license is valid.
  • Complete due diligence and confirm criminal history, financial background and more. 
Identity Verification

Learn how Tracers helps your auto business

Instant, up-to-date right-party contact will help your business save time, money and effort across multiple departments. By tapping into over 43 billion records from thousands of data sources and aggregating unbanked data in addition to traditional credit header data, Tracers can help you locate the right person and even help prevent your company from being victim to potential fraud.

Whether your are looking for individual searches, or need high volume batch processingbatch skip tracing or custom API data feeds to tie into your current company software, you can rely on Tracers for all your RPC and investigative research needs. Get started risk free today!